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[MK6] Re: VCDS - lista znanych kodowań

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  • Posty: 10
  • Rejestracja: 03 sty 2014, 22:55
  • Online: 1d 18h 33m 32s
  • Pochwały: 1
  • Auto: VW Golf 6
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Re: VCDS - lista znanych kodowań

Post10 gru 2014, 21:18

Lista znanych kodowań dla Golfa VI wraz z opisem ułatwiającym pierwsze kroki w kodowaniu VCDS. (źródło:

Windows: Roll Up/Down with Key
Description: Roll down down your windows with your key remote when you unlock the doors
Check bit 5 of byte 3 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Option: If you want to be able to do this when the car is turned on, check bit 7 of byte 3
Option: Enable your lock switch on the door to roll all windows up/down without a key present, check bits 3, 4, and 7 of byte 3
Pic tutorial:

Lock/Unlock Confirmations (horn/lights)
Description: When you lock your car, it flashes the lights and honks the horn. When you unlock, it flashes the lights. There are other options.
All of these are under byte 5 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper.
Option: Disable turn signal on lock/unlock confirmation, uncheck bit 0
Option: Disable horn honking on lock confirmation, uncheck bit 1
Option: Enable horn honking on unlock confirmation, check bit 4
Pic tutorial:

KESSY: Lock Car While Running
Description: this allows you to to start your car with KESSY, then get out with the key, and lock the car with the remote
Check bit 2 of byte 4 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper

Lighting: Fogs as DRLs
Description: Use your fog lights instead of your low beams for DRLs
For Xenon equipped vehicles or Halogen equipped using the main low/dipped beam:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Check bit 1 of byte 14 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
   Un-check bit 2 of byte 11 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper (or leave checked to run BOTH fogs and low beams)
Pic tutorial:  [url][/url]
For Halogen equipped vehicles or using a separate bulb or filament for DRL only:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Uncheck bit 6 of byte 15 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
   Check bit 1 of byte 14 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:  [url][/url]
Note: Depending on the Byte 18 coding, this may result in all of the parking lights illuminating.

Lighting: Fogs with High Beams
Description: Your fog lights will become independent of your high beams, and will not go out when you turn on your high beams
Check bit 2 of byte 14 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Lighting: Fogs as Cornering Lights
Description: if your fog lights are not on, but your headlights are, it will illuminate the fog in the direction you are turning at low speeds)
Check bit 7 of byte 14 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Demonstration Video:
Pic tutorial:

Lighting: Auto On/Off Headlights w/o Auto Switch
Description: this will make your headlights go on/off with your ignition if they are in the ON position
Check bit 5 of byte 15 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Lighting: Enable DRL Turn On/Off in MFI (2011+ Only)
Description: Under lighting in your MFI, you can check DRL's on or off (this is better than hard coding them off)
Check bit 7 of byte 15 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Lighting: Disable DRL with Turn Signal (2012 Only)
Description: When you activate your blinker, the LED DRL next to it will turn off until the blinker is turned off.
This one is a little more involved, so here is an external link:

Lighting: Emergency Brake Flashing
Description: If you brake hard enough, this will automatically flash your brake lights and/or turn signals until you let off the brake pedal
Check bit 1 of byte 16 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper for brake light flashing
Check bit 2 of byte 16 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper for turn signal flashing
Pic tutorial:

Lighting: Comfort Turn Signal Count 1-5
Description: When you tap your blinker it will auto blink 3 times by default, this changes the count
Go to Adaptation in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Choose "Comfort Turn Signals (Cycles)"
Set a new value up to 5 for the number of blinks you want
NOTE: After you set the value, you must go into your MFI on your car and reset it to factory settings to load the new value
Pic tutorial:

Lighting: Coming Home Lights
Description: Coming home activation requires you to pull the high beam stalk back briefly after shutting the vehicle off and before exiting. This will turn on your lights for a set period of time after you get out of the car. After this is enabled, it can be turned on/off in the MFA, and you can adjust the time period. Leaving home function requires an auto switch and light sensor.
Check bit 2 of byte 12 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Wipers: Enable Tear Drop Wiping on Front Wiper
Description: This will wipe your front window one extra time, after a pause, when you use your front wiper squirter
Go to the Central Electronics module, and click on "Coding"
In the coding window, there is a pull down menu, choose the selection that says "Wischer" in it
After that, click on the Long Coding Helper
Check bit 3 of Byte 1 (Tear Wiping Active)
Pic tutorial:

Wipers: Enable Tear Drop Wiping on Rear Wiper
Description: This will wipe your rear window one extra time, after a pause, when you use your rear wiper squirter
Check bit 4 of byte 21 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper

Wipers: Disable Rear Wiper with Reverse Gear
Description: If your front wipers are running and you put it in reverse, the rear wiper runs by default. This disables that feature.
Uncheck bit 6 of byte 21 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Wipers: Disable Rear Wiper
Description: Completely disables your rear wiper
Uncheck bit 0 of byte 21 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Steering Wheel Push-To-Talk Button as Mute
Description: Converts the push to talk button your steering wheel into a mute button.
Uncheck bit 3 of byte 1 under Steering Wheel Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Instruments: Disable Seatbelt Warning
Description: Disable seatbelt warning chime and light
Uncheck bit 1 of byte 1 in Instruments Long Coding Helper

Instruments: Gauge Cluster Staging a.k.a Gauge Sweep
Descripton: When you turn your ignition to on, the gauges will "Sweep" to max, and then fall back to zero
Note: Does not work on G clusters, you can see which one you have in an autoscan under Instruments. It's the last letter of the part no.
Go to Adaptation in Instruments
Choose "Staging"
Set new value to "active"
Pic tutorial:

Mirror Adjust Menu in MFA for 2011+
Description: Gives you a menu in the MFA to adjust mirrors together or individually.
Check bit 6 of byte 8 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:

Mirror and Rear Window Heaters: Extend the Active Time
Description: Mirror and Rear window heaters run for 10 minutes by default, you can extend that as long as you want
Go to Adaptation in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Choose "Rear Window & Outside MIrror Heater Activation Time"
Choose a new value using this formula: New Value x 40 = Seconds Active
Example: 23 is about 15 min since 23 x 40 = 920 seconds = 15.3 minutes

Driver Seat Heater Memory
Description: When you turn the car on, the drivers seat ONLY will resume it's last setting (Off, 1, 2, 3) automatically
Go to Adaptation in Auto HVAC
Choose "Storage of driver seat heater level"
Set new value to "On"
Pic tutorial:

Passenger Seat Heater Memory (2012 Only)
Description: When you turn the car on, the passenger will resume it's last setting (Off, 1, 2, 3) automatically
Go to Adaptation in Auto HVAC
Choose "Storage of passenger seat heater level"
Set new value to "On"
Credit to Tim S:

Disable TPMS
Description: For cars with TPMS sensors in the wheels, you can disable the light for winter wheels or wheels without sensors
Check bit 7 of byte 8 in Central Electronics Long Coding Helper
Further reading:

Electronic Differential Lock (XDS) Strength
Description: XDS is the electronic differential lock. On higher HP models (Scirocco R), this is set to 2, whereas the default on the GTI is 0. At 2, the system is more aggressive at applying brake pressure to the inside/slipping tire.
Go to Adaptation in the ABS module
Choose "Electronic Differential Lock (XDS)
Set new value to to 2 (0 is stock, 1 is weak, 2 is strong)
Pic tutorial:

Brake Assist
Description: Brake assist will make it so you do not have to push down on the brake pedal as hard before the brakes engage. It does not actually make the brakes any stronger. Some people like this, some people feel it makes heel/toe harder.
Go to Adaptation in the ABS module
Choose "Brake Assist"
Set new value to to 2 (0 is stock, 1 is small, 2 is hard)
Pic tutorial:

Driver Steering Recommendation (DSR)
Description: DSR is the use of sensors relating to the ESP sense when the car is going into a skid, and the steering ECU automatically provides a prompt to the driver to correct the car trajectory by giving the steering wheel a quick 'nudge'. There are 3 settings, nobody has reported changing this and if 1 or 2 is better than stock.
Go to Adaptation in the ABS module
Choose "DSR"
Set new value to: 0 for strong (stock setting), 1 for center, or 2 for weak

Torque Steer Compensation (TSC)
Description: Using the Steering Assist controller (not the brakes), TSC will help prevent torque steer on tuned cars. A TSC of 1 is used by default in higher HP FWD VW models like the VR6 FWD Passat.
Go to Adaptation in the Steering Assist module
Choose "Torque Steer Compensation (TSC)"
Set new value to 1
Discussion and test video:

Disable ESP
Description: This is not considered safe. The ESP in the MK6 is very good and not too obtrusive. That said, if you want to take the risk and turn it off, this is the only known way to accomplish that.
Go to Adaptation in the Steering Assist module
Go to Channel 09
Set new value to 1

Hill Hold Control
Description: Hill hold control (assist) is where the car will apply the brakes on a hill when stopped. It will occur if facing up hill with the car in a forward gear, or if facing downhill in reverse. Modifying this setting changes when the brakes release. You can also disable it completely.
To change the HHC setting:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Go to Adaptation in the ABS module
Choose "Hill Hold Control (HHC)"
Set new value to: 0 for normal (stock setting), 1 for early (start with low RPM's), or 2 for late late (start with high RPM's and slipping clutch)
Pic tutorial:  [url][/url]
To disable HHC completely:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Uncheck bit 0 of byte 16 in ABS Brakes Long Coding Helper
Pic tutorial:  [url][/url]
Adjusting Service Intervals
Description: Do you change your oil more often than every 10k miles and would prefer it tell you at 5k miles? That's what this is for.
For Days:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Go to Adaptation in the Instruments module
Choose "SIA - maximum value of time to service"
Under New value, enter your time as in days. '
Pic tutorial:  [url][/url]
For Distance:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Go to Adaptation in the Instruments module
Choose "SIA - maximum value of distance to service"
Under New value, enter the new distance.
Pic tutorial:  [url][/url]


Jeżeli znasz jakieś ciekawe kodowanie, którego nie ma jeszcze na forum opisanego - podziel się nim w nowym temacie, a powyższe lista zostanie o nie uzupełniona.
Jeżeli znasz kodowanie już opisane na forum, którego jeszcze nie ma na powyższej liście, podaj linka w tymże temacie a lista zostanie uzupełniona.

Do moderatorów - śmiało możecie uzupełniać (edytować) powyższą listę :pub:

Dodatkowa lista znanych sztuczek / kodowań przy pomocy VCDS:

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  • Posty: 80
  • Rejestracja: 04 mar 2015, 00:59
  • Online: 5d 9h 23m 44s
  • Auto: Golf 6
  • Silnik: Cavd
  • Lokalizacja: Elk

Re: VCDS - lista znanych kodowań

Post03 paź 2016, 11:57

Lighting: Emergency Brake Flashing pytanko : da sie zrobić tak aby same światła stopu pulsowały bez kierunków ?



  • Posty: 2498
  • Rejestracja: 11 kwie 2012, 12:26
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Re: Re: VCDS - lista znanych kodowań

Post03 paź 2016, 12:40

Da się, koduje się to osobno

Wysłane z mojego E5603 przy użyciu Tapatalka

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