27 mar 2023, 13:45
Może nie panel na 3G8... a 5NA....
Tu trzeba zadać czy panel jest Nowy czy wyjęty z jakiegoś VW.
Ja używam VCDS-a, a więc napiszę Ci tu jak tym się robi ale powinno Ci pomóc w zakodowaniu wszystkiego swoim interfejsem.
Oczywiście na początek jeżeli panel jest Nowy trzeba wgrać parametryzację pod dany model VW, następnie zaznaczamy wszystkie bajty i bity tak samo ja w starym, można przekleić kodowanie ale trzeba sprawdzić czy bajty i bity są identyczne, a jak nie to zmodyfikować kodowanie.
Sprawdzamy kanały adaptacyjne i również ustawiamy je tak jak było w starym.
Tu masz kalibracje klapek nagrzewnicy (można to zrobić też kombinacją przycisków na panelu) oraz pierwsze uruchomienie sprężarki klimy (opis nie mój ale kolega z zagranicznego forum chyba się nie pogniewa):
Coding information is found using the Long Coding Helper while connected to the vehicle with VCDS.
When replacing a module it is recommended to save the original coding and transfer it to the new module.
Touch Climatronic Unit 5NA907044AJ
Transfer old unit long coding to new unit long coding + Check*
[LN]_Climate zones second seat row: [VN]_not installed ... Byte7 Bits2,3 ... enable (drop down menu: experimental label)
Only in case you don't have a climate control unit for the rear row, for example Golf 7.5
*Adaptation (if you want)
ENG248446-HMI_View_Switch,Yes ,1 ... from NO to YES!
***Basic Setting***
Note: The basic setting needs to be performed, when the Climatic control module (J301) or flap motor(s) have been replaced.
Adapt flap end stops
Necessary when flap motors are replaced -or- when a self check needs to be performed for self diagnosis of faulty motors.
[08 - Heating/Air Conditioning]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Select IDE01546-ENG167462 "Adapt flap/door end stops" from the drop-down list
The basic setting takes approximately 20 seconds.
Finished Correctly should be displayed
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]
Clear DTCs!!!
AC Compressor First Run-In
Necessary when the Climatic control module (J301) is replaced.
Prerequisites to start the basic setting A/C compressor first run:
Engine at idle
Transmission in Park or Neutral
Do not cycle the ignition
Basic setting was performed for the flaps
Inside blower motor is switched on
Air vents fully open
Load management not active
"AC Compressor First Run-In" Steps:
1- Start engine and allow it to Idle.
2- Go to adaptation and change the values of these two channels to 120s:
IDE01503-Running time of basic setting for compressor break-in,120 s,1 ...120 you must do the process/change even if it already has the value of 120 s.
IDE03176-Duration of compressor run in,60 s,1 ...120
3- Close/Exit Controller/unit 08, Close/Exit VCDS, Turn off the engine, ***Wait between 30 seconds to a minute***, Turn on the engine again,
Open the VCDS again and re-enter unit 08, Go to adaptation and re-enter the original values, 120 and 60 respectively.
4- Go to Basic Settings.
[Basic Settings - 04]
Select IDE02259-ENG167462 "Compressor run/break in: ***automatic start***" from the drop-down list.
Wait 120 sec (2 Min), observe the flashing A/C button light on the HVAC panel.
After the Basic Settings has completed, the A/C light turns off and the process is finished.
Check DTCs. Clear if necessary.
Exit control unit 08.
Check that the A/C button works/lights up."
Tyle mogłem pomóc.
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